Photo Gallery
Do you have any photos for our gallery? Send them to
Barbecue lunch in the vineyards. May 24...
Winter Walk and lunch February 24...
Vide Grenier 2023...

Art Exhibition 2023...

More than thirty artists, sculptors and ceramists are participating in an art exhibition, organized by the Vermeille International and Club ABCD associations, as part of the Bicentenary of Port-Vendres.
The environment of this natural port on the Côte Vermeille, nestled between sea and mountains, inspired this beautiful collection of around a hundred works of varied techniques: ceramics, bronze sculpture, mosaic, oil painting, acrylic, watercolors, embroidery. The artists, Port-Vendrais by birth or by adoption, were inspired sometimes by the sea, sometimes by the liveliness of port activity, to bring to life the 200 years of history of the city (even though the site has sheltered boats since ancient times).
Art exhibition "Port-Vendres: sea, mountains, borders" at the Arts Pavilion, Cour du Fer à Cheval, Place de l'Obélisque. Open every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. without interruption until Sunday, September 10 inclusive.
Open Air Painting Weekend, 10th and 11th June 2023...
Last Wednesday Aperos at the lifeboat, 31st May 2023...

March 8th, 2023. International Womens' Day - Line dancing in association with Les Dynamiques...
2022 - Winter walk and picnic at Lake Raho...
2021 - International Womens Day Lunch...

2021 - December's Virtual Apero with a Christmas and Winter Festivals theme...
Karen Palisser's mini pumpkin pies...

November's virtual apero witht he theme "Thanksgiving Day"...

July 2020
Quiz winners Ruth and Ian receiving their prize from David...

June 2020
June's "Virtual" Last Wednesday Apero...

What are you doing in lockdown?
Are you being creative? Whether you're writing a short story or poem, painting a picture, making something, singing, doing some photography, or just about anything else - we would love to see your photographs, videos or documents.
Email your pictures, items etc. to
If you have a video, upload it to YouTube and email us the link.
With your permission, we will then put them on this page for all to see, and we'll give a bottle of wine for the most creative ones.
Self portraits by Christine Windle and Linda Cadwallader...

May 2020
May's "Virtual" Last Wednesday Apero. - CHEERS!....
Back garden and olive tree by Henry Miller...
Deborah Raper with husband, Jim, united with five members of her condominium in Norfolk, Virginia, USA to make 92 masks for neighbors. We gathered outside in our community garden and sewed over five days, then distributed them, with instructions, in a zip-lock bag. Everyone seemed very grateful to the "Maskateers." Meanwhile Jim is busy with a nearby vegetable garden, including a harvest of feves!...
Painting of La Mauresque by Linda Cadwallader...
Some local wild flowers by Linda Cadwallader...
April 2020
April's "Virtual" Last Wednesday Apero. -CHEERS!....
Views from our balcony by Clara Silber...
Lockdown garden by Colin Engel...
Seahorse sculpture by Julian Browne...
Easter Bonnets (ready for our family video call), by Stephanie Browne...