October 2024 - A donation of school equipment to a school in Senegal...
February 2024 - A donation of 500€ to...

ALICE ET LES PETITS GUERRIERS - An association dedicated to seriously ill children, families and nursing staff. Looking to the future to help parents of children whose presence in hospital is important and to allow parents who sleep in their car to be accommodated. Weeks of rest are also offered to families to allow the bonds between family members to be rebuilt after the ordeal, when the young patient leaves the hospital. These weeks in a mobile home are also offered to nursing staff. In short, a wonderful, warm and human association.
November 2022 - Clothes and bedding for Ukraine collected by Vermeille Internationale with the help of Alliance Occitanie Ukraine...

2021 - We gave 200 euro to the St Joseph Refuge in Banyuls who were desperate to keep the older boys occupied during lockdown. The boys suggested fishing, and now they have the equipment they need...

June 2021 - 360 packs of juice delivered to Denis Braquehais for the children who come to the food bank at Resto de Cœur, Port-Vendres...

Extract of letter from Terres et Cultures Solidaires...
Hello all,
Personally and of course in the name of all the beneficiaries of Terres et Cultures Solidaires, I would like to thank you for the generous donation you have made, once again, to our association. In these difficult times, we are all the more affected.
This will be particularly dedicated to the co-financing of the women's GIE project (Economic Interest Group) aimed at strengthening women's entrepreneurship and the food security of families who have suffered even more this year from the difficulties linked to the pandemic and the recurrent lack of water aggravated by very high temperatures. We thank you once again for your generosity. Indeed, it is thanks to its loyal donors that Terres et Cultures Solidaires can initiate its projects which are always implemented after listening to the needs of the inhabitants so that everyone can take ownership of the actions and become real actors in their area.
Extract of letter from Orphelinat Zazakely...
Hello Madam,
Again this year, your association gratifies us with help and support by your donation received on our accounts for the benefit of our "zazas". We thank you wholeheartedly, especially as the current period is particularly trying for everyone around the world. Your gesture comforts us and encourages us to continue to move forward in our actions!
Thanks to you, Zazakely protect a group of disadvantaged children and guide them to a better future. We wish you a favorable period for confinement. Healthy joy and happiness.
Thank you again with all my heart for our "zazas"!
Books, toys and wrapping paper were donated from our members here on the Cote Vermeille...
Extract from the newspaper L'Indépendant - 01/03/2020...
For Christmas, the Restos de Coeur of Port Vendres doesn't forget the children...
Translation- Once again this year, on the Côte Vermeille, a solidarity chain has been set up so that the most disadvantaged children experience a merry Christmas full of gifts, even if the current health conditions have limited the ambitions of "Restos du cœur".
Thus, the children of the primary school of Banyuls-sur-Mer collected and wrapped the gifts. Then, the members of the association Vermeille internationale brought their logistical and gourmet support. The volunteers of Restos du cœur responded to organize and animate in the most joyful way possible, this day of the year which is so special and so important for the young. The children received gifts, books and sweets handed over by Santa Claus, bringing a moment of joy, kindness and good humor.
Vermeille Internationale has made charitable donations to the following organisations...
An association dedicated to seriously ill children, families and nursing staff.
S.O.S. Amitie
Telephone helpline for people who need to talk to someone. https://www.sos-amitie.com
Terres et Cultures Solidaires
Promote the development of micro-projects in Senegal. https://www.terresetculturessolidaires.fr
Medecins Sans Frontières
Delivering emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural or man-made disasters. https://www.msf.org
Transforming lives with safe water, toilets and hygeine. https://www.wateraid.org/uk
Cooperative Scolaire de L'Ecole Pasteur
School in Port Vendres. https://pasteurpv.toutemonecole.fr
Solidarité Kang Guru
Supporting children of Nepalise mountain guides killed in icefalls and avalanches. https://www.solidaritekangguru.com/association
Lire et Faire Lire
Scheme to buy books for children at the creche in Port Vendres. https://www.lireetfairelire66.fr
Restos du Coeur 66
Providing food and lodging to people in need in P.O. https://66.restosducoeur.org
Orphelinat Zazakely
Orphanage on the island of Sainte-Marie, Madagascar. https://zazakely.org
Bateau de Sauvetage
The lifeboat at Port Vendres. https://www.dirm.mediterranee.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/cross-med-r43.html
CHRS St. Joseph
A home at Banyuls-sur-Mer for families with medical, social or economic difficulties. https://annuaire.action-sociale.org/?p=chrs-saint-joseph-660004730&details=caracteristiques
The Red Cross
A project offering supported holidays on the Cote Vermeille to Alzheimers sufferers. https://www.croix-rouge.fr